Dance Theatre
Director and Choreographer Aira Naginevičiūtė
Music cutthroats, Anna Maria Hefele, Ludwig van Beethoven
Set Designer Arūnas Adomaitis
Costume Designer Laura Darbutaitė
Light Designer Vilius Vilutis
Dancers: Greta Grinevičiūtė, Gytis Ivanauskas, Goda Laurinavičiūtė, Telman Ragimov, Erika Vizbaraitė
Premiere: January 7-8, 2015
Glass Gardens created by Aira Naginevičiūtė as a sequence of moving images and focusing on our fragile and at the same time resilient existence, which is unraveling in a never-ending cycle of life. The performance exposes two different worlds, that of heaven and earth, life and eternity, which co-exist and enhance each another. The worlds are divided by an invisible yet perceptible border. This border is like glass. It exposes and protects, allows us to see through and separates, it can be smooth or turn into sharp fragments.
According to Naginevičiūtė, “The concept of glass allows us to perceive what it means to be in this world and outside of it simultaneously. When we say good-bye to someone and see that person on the other side of the window, he or she is still here and yet and the same time, already somewhere else. Glass Gardens is a world which exists on the border between here and there, it is a life inspired by dead matter, and dead matter which results from life. Glass is fragile and breakable but at the same time it may not disintegrate for thousands of years and it may be recycled into new forms.
Choreographer Aira Naginevičiūtė has chosen an exceptional team of professional dancers and actors for this performance: Greta Grinevičiūtė, Gytis Ivanauskas, Goda Laurinavičiūtė, Erika Vizbaraitė, and Telman Ragimov. Each character created is a human being taking the line of his life through one of the two gates of the Glass Garden: birth or death.
Aira Naginevičiūtė is labeled as a choreographer in a constant quest for new experimental forms; and she takes this description to a new level with her latest work. The set design is made up from unique ice sculptures and optical music, which enhance the beauty of dancers’ bodies, marked by prolific life experiences.